Yasu Higashi
Patent and Trademark Attorney (Japan) 2003
Certified for IP litigation (2006)
Practice Areas
Trademark Prosecution and Litigation, Unfair Competition and Design
Bachelor of Law, Sophia University
Work Experience
After obtaining three years of experience in an Intellectual Property Law Firm, Mr. Higashi worked in the Intellectual Property Management Division at NEC Corporation and its subsidiary NEC Patent Service, Ltd. from 2004 to 2019. During this time, he engaged in Trademark and Design prosecution of domestic and foreign applications, trademark negotiations, and brand launches.
From 2016 to2017, Mr. Higashi was a member of the Trademark System Subcommittee of METI industrial Structure Council, representing the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association.
Mr. Higashi joined RYUKA & PARTNERS in April 2019.
Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA)