セミナー開催のお知らせ:AI and Data-Driven IP(5月16日)



AI and Data-Driven IP

Date and time
2023年5月16日 (火) 4:00 – 7:45 p.m.
May 16, 2023 at 4:00 – 7:45 p.m.
東京国際フォーラム G405号室
Tokyo International Forum, Room G405
Registration Fee


急速に進歩する AI とデータ分析は、私たちの働き方を変えています。 AI とデータ駆動型のビジネス モデルは、新たな機会と課題をもたらします。 またAI とデータ分析は、新しいアイデアの保護から訴訟戦略の策定まで、最新の IP 実務を変えています。 このセミナーでは、IP 専門家と発明者が AI とデータ分析を活用して、より効率的かつ効果的に、競合他社に先んじる方法を探ります。

Rapidly advancing AI and Data Analytics are changing the way we work. AI and data-driven business models present new opportunities and challenges. AI and Data Analytics are also changing modern IP practice, from protecting new ideas to developing litigation strategy. This seminar will explore how leading innovators and IP professionals can leverage AI and Data Analytics to be more efficient, more effective and stay ahead of their competitors.


3:30 – 4:00 p.m. 
登録と交流 / Registration & Networking
4:00 – 4:15 p.m. 
基調演説 / Keynote Speech

知的財産・法務本部 グループエグゼクティブ

Kenichi Nagasawa
Group Executive, Corporate Intellectual Property & Legal Headquarters
Canon, Inc.

1981年にキヤノン株式会社に入社して以来、一貫して知財畑を歩み、40年超の知財経験を持つ。Canon Europe Ltd.およびCanon U.S.A, Inc.で知財責任者を務めた後、2010年に知的財産法務本部長に就任。2012年に取締役、2016年に常務執行役員、2021年に専務執行役員、2022年1月からは経済安全保障統括室の室長も兼務し、2023年3月末に専務執行役員・知的財産法務本部長を退任
2023年4月よりキヤノン株式会社顧問。産業構造審議会 知的財産分科会の委員など、省庁に設置された審議会・研究会の委員を長年に亘って務め、現在、日本知的財産協会 副会長、日本ライセンス協会(LES)会長、日本経済団体連合 知的財産委員会企画部会長など、知財関連団体の要職も務める。

Since joining Canon Inc. in 1981, he has consistently worked in the intellectual property field and has over 40 years of intellectual property experience. In 2010, he was appointed General Manager of the Intellectual Property Legal Division after serving as Intellectual Property Officer at Canon Europe Ltd. and Canon U.S.A, Inc. Director in 2012, Managing Executive Officer in 2016, Senior Managing Executive Officer in 2021, and General Manager of Economic Security Management Office from January 2022. Retired as general manager and has been an advisor to Canon Inc. since April of the same year. He has served as a member of the Industrial Structure Council Intellectual Property Subcommittee for many years and has served as a member of deliberations and study groups established in ministries and agencies. ), Chairman of the Japan Business Federation Intellectual Property Committee Planning Department, and other important positions in intellectual property-related organizations.

4:15 – 4:30 p.m.
IPの未来: ジェネレーティブAI、データ、自動化が私たちの仕事に与える影響

Future of IP: The impact of generative AI, data, and automation on our work
Sam has been building modern AI for IP work since 2017. He’s published and spoken about the impact of AI on IP work including as an invited keynote speaker at the EPO. In opening remarks, he’ll set the stage for the day’s discussion by sharing the potential and limitations of AI technology and an overview of trends in data/automation for IP work.

サム デービス
– 代表取締役 / 設立者

Sam Davis, CEO/Founder
Amplified, Inc.

4:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Using Data Analytics to Maximize Your Chances of Success in Patent Litigation and Prosecution


Eric D. Kirsch Managing Partner – Tokyo Office
Davidson Berquist Jackson & Gowdey LLP

5:00 – 5:30 p.m.
How to Utilize Data to Help Create Valuable Inventions

龍華 明裕
RYUKA国際特許事務所 所長

Akihiro Ryuka
CEO, RYUKA & Partners
US Patent Attorney (California), Japan Patent Attorney

5:30 – 6:00 p.m.
データ駆動型スタートアップの共同創業者である Bisu Inc. へのインタビュー
An Interview with the Co-founder of Data Driven Startup: Bisu Inc.

ダニエル マグス – 代表取締役
Bisu, Inc.

Daniel Maggs, Co-Founder & CEO
Bisu, Inc.

Daniel Maggs は Bisu の共同設立者兼 CEO です。Bisu は、低コストのマイクロフルイディクス(microfluidics)によって簡単で正確な在宅検査を可能にする消費者向けヘルステック スタートアップです。 Bisu は、その技術、製品とアプリの設計、および製造技術の両方にわたって広範な IP ポートフォリオを開発し、このプロセスで AI ツールと外部の弁護士の両方を利用してきました。 Daniel は以前、日本の上場テック企業のプロダクトマネージャー、ブティック テック投資銀行の M&A アナリスト、国際法律事務所の企業弁護士を務めていました。

Daniel Maggs is Co-founder & CEO at Bisu, a consumer healthtech startup enabling easy, accurate at-home testing through low-cost microfluidics. Bisu has developed an extensive IP portfolio across both its technology, product and app design, and manufacturing techniques, and has made use of both AI tools and external counsel during this process. Daniel was previously a product manager at a listed Japanese tech company, an M&A analyst at a boutique tech investment bank, and a corporate lawyer at an international law firm.

6:00 – 6:15 p.m.
休憩 / Networking Break
6:15 – 6:45 p.m.

Patent Searching as Data Creation
How IP professionals are using AI to be more efficient and create new value for their organizations.

追川康之 – 最高執行責任者 / 設立者

Yasuyuki Oikawa, COO/Founder
Amplified, Inc.

6:45 – 7:15 p.m.
Roundtable Discussion : Avoiding legal issues when utilizing Ai

龍華 明裕 
RYUKA国際特許事務所 所長

1. 上野英和 
知財マネージャー 株式会社メルカリ

2. 梶並彰一朗 
パートナー 阿部・井窪・片山法律事務所

3. 古川直裕 
弁護士 株式会社ABEJA
AIの可能性に興味を持ったことから数学、統計、機会学習理論、Pythonなどを学び、3年間弁護士業務よりAI開発業務に従事。AIに関する法務及び倫理を取り扱う。AI法研究会Founder兼代表。2023年からはG7によって設立されたGlobalship Partner on AIの専門家委員。
著作:「サイバーセキュリティ法務」「Q&A AIの法務と倫理」「ディープラーニングG検定 法律・倫理テキスト」など。

Akihiro Ryuka, Managing Partner, RYUKA IP

1. Kamino Hidekazu, IP Manager, Mercari
Responsible for obtaining patent rights and disputes between electronics manufacturers and game manufacturers.
In August 2018, he joined Mercari and was in charge of general intellectual property.

2. Shochiro Kajinami, Partner, Abe, Ikubo & Katayama
Attorney-at-law Shoichiro Kajinami majored in electrical engineering when he was a university student. Utilizing his technical background in researching semiconductors mainly related to clean energy, he handles technology-related matters such as intellectual property cases, bankruptcy-related matters, and so on. In addition to being in charge of various corporate legal matters such as cases and M&A-related work, he has studied at law school in the United States and has worked at law firms in the United States and Europe, making use of his experience in international matters.
In particular, he has extensive experience in intellectual property cases, and has handled more than 100 intellectual property-related lawsuits, focusing on patents, trademarks, and trade secrets.
Kajinami is a core member of the AI team at his law firm, conducting seminars and writing on AI in both Japanese and English.

3. Naohiro Furukawa, In-House Counsel at ABEJA
Interested in the wonderful capabilities of AI, Mr.Furukawa studied mathematics, statistics, machine learning theory, Python, etc., and mainly engaged in AI development work rather than lawyer work for about 3 years. Based on such experience, he currently deals with legal and ethical issues related to AI. He is the Founder and Representative of the AI Law Study Group. From 2023, he will be an expert committee member of the Globalship Partner on AI, established by the G7. His major publications include “Cyber Security Law”, “Q&A AI Law and Ethics”, and “Deep Learning G Test Law and Ethics Text”.

7:15 – 7:45 p.m.
交流会(ビール、ワイン等、ご用意があります。) / Beer, Wine & Networking
8:00 – 9:30 p.m.
夕食(ビュッフェ形式) / Dinner (please register)