Patent Opposition System

Aki Ryuka
Japan Patent Attorney

Opposition Procedures 异议程序
Opposing Party对方当事人 JPO (Board Examiners委员会审查员) Patentee专利权人

-The opposing party can file an invalidation trial on the same grounds using the same facts, if they have an interest (no estoppel).

Advice for Patentees对专利权人的建议
To end the opposition period earlier, the issue fee should be quickly paid after the allowance.
Wait to send warning letters until after the opposition period passes.

Advice for Challenging Parties: Negative Consequences? 对提出异议方的建议:有负面后果吗?
Benefit of a Competitor’s Patent竞争对手的专利的益处
Competitors’ patents exclude other competitors. If there are many competitors, and a license can be obtained, then it may be preferable for a competitor’s patent to exist.

Lost Bargaining Chip失去谈判筹码
If a prior art reference invalidates a patent, then the patentee cannot exclude anyone or obtain any license fees. Therefore, un-submitted prior art references can be a negotiation tool for obtaining a license on more favorable terms, especially when there are many other competitors. By submitting the prior art references to the patent office, this bargaining power is lost.

Red Flag for the Patent Owner or Applicant 对专利所有者或申请人的警示
An opposition or third party observation indicates that some competitor considers the patent or application important or dangerous. In response, the patent owner with a divisional application or the applicant can异议或第三方观察表明有竞争对手认为该专利或申请很重要或危险。作为回应,申请人或者有分案申请的专利所

1. Request accelerated examination and zealously prosecute the application,
2. Obtain divisional patents that cover different aspects of the invention,
3. Investigate competitors’ products, and amend the claims to cover the products, and
4. Keep a divisional application pending to preserve the ability to amend the claims.

For the reasons above, we suggest opposing patents only when our client is likely the main target of the patent, and no divisional application is pending. Generally, we do not suggest third party observations. However, our suggestions depend on the specific business circumstances of each client.

What RYUKA Offers 龙华可以提供的
When you are in danger of being the main target, we will watch for new patents of specific parties, and report the same with a copy of the corresponding English application or a computer translation of the claims, together with the information of any divisional applications.

The “watch” can be limited by applicant, technical terms, international classification, and/or the JPO’s “F terms.” If you are interested in the watching service, then please let us know so that we can refine the “watch” before the opposition system starts.

This information is provided for general informational purposes only, and is not intended as legal advice. Because every case is unique, readers should not take any action, or refrain from acting based on this information without first consulting their own attorneys. The law is constantly developing, and this information may not be updated with each and every development. The mere presentation of this information does not create an attorney-client relationship with RYUKA IP Law Firm. RYUKA IP Law Firm specifically and wholly disclaims liability for this information.